The Perfect End of Summer Birthstone

Peridot Jewelry

Peridot, the birthstone for August babies, is sure to make you green with envy. A gem variety of olivine, peridot is composed primarily of two minerals: fayalite and forsterite. The presence of iron, which is rich in fayalite, is what gives peridot its signature green hue. Peridots are one of the few gemstones that occur in one consistent color. However, they can be found in shades ranging from light yellowish green to deep olive. Celebrating the August born in your life? Learn all you need to know about gorgeous green peridots here!

Is Peridot from Outer Space?

Peridot crystals have been discovered in meteorite particles left over from our solar system’s conception! Olivine traces have also been found in stardust, indicating that this gemstone can form even in the cosmos. If you’re looking for a truly otherworldly gemstone, peridot is for you!

Here on Earth, peridot is the only gemstone other than diamond that is found within the earth’s inner mantle rather than originating from the earth’s top layer crust. Peridot is commonly mined in Egypt, China, Myanmar, the Red Sea, and Mexico. In the 1990s, peridots experienced a revival of popularity when new deposits were unearthed in Pakistan.

They are mined within the U.S. as well, specifically in Arizona. The state is home to the San Carlos Reservation – the largest peridot producer in the world. However, its most ancient sources originate from St. John’s Island, also known as Zabargad Island, off the coast of Egypt. This gemstone is particularly revered in Egypt, where it is the country’s National Gem. Also, it was the ancient Egyptians who referred to peridots as “gems of the sun.” In fact, some modern historians believe that Cleopatra’s beloved emeralds may have in fact been peridots.

August Birthstone Meaning

Known to the ancient Hebrews, peridot also has biblical references and was later used by Europeans after the crusades to embellish churches and cathedrals. Ancient lore said the peridot would bring the wearer good luck, relieve anxiety, and inspire confidence. It was worn as a talisman to ward off evil spirits, night terrors, and other dark magic.

It is believed that peridots have the spiritual properties to help heal relationships during times of conflict. This is because it is thought to clear the mind and open the heart. Peridot is also known for relieving stress by helping one balance their emotions. It has often been referred to as the “evening emerald” because ancient miners would search for peridot in the evening when its color would shine as brightly as emeralds under lamplight.

Along with being the birthstone for August, peridot is also traditionally gifted for a 16th wedding anniversary. It is a magnificent gem, not only for its beauty and spiritual properties, but because it is also very affordable. If you’re looking for an alternative to an emerald, peridot might fit the bill! Some of the deeper green variations of peridot do resemble emerald.

Visit Leo Hamel Fine Jewelers in San Diego today to shop for the perfect peridot jewelry for your August born loved one, or maybe to celebrate 16 years of wedded bliss! Whatever occasion you’re shopping for, you’re sure to find a peridot piece they’ll love here at Leo Hamel’s!